I recently started teaching private art lessons to a student lacking fine motor skills. By observing my student, I am learning things about creativity. For my student, their inability to render fine details did not stop them from creating elaborate stories. Their characters had special powers, detailed backstories and amazing adventures. My student has a grand sense of humor. I do not want to disclose too many details, since they are new to high school and I don't want to impose on their plans for the future in art.
From each lesson, I noticed that they listened very well to my demonstrations and explanations. From their art work, I could see that they were applying and understanding advanced drawing skills. From applying texture, shading, perspective, composition, to comic layout design, they showed their understanding through their work. I thought "Wow, this is really cool." For one, it's the first time that I am teaching and putting together my own lessons; secondly, even though my student's work was not excellent in that of fine detail - something that is usually the forefront of praise in a young artistic talent - their ability to put all of the drawing skills together and make their own comics is super cool.
So, when you are sitting in your creative space and the little thought, "I suck. My art is terrible.", comes into your head try to critically pick apart the skills in drawing, painting or what have you, that you appreciate and that are super cool too.
From each lesson, I noticed that they listened very well to my demonstrations and explanations. From their art work, I could see that they were applying and understanding advanced drawing skills. From applying texture, shading, perspective, composition, to comic layout design, they showed their understanding through their work. I thought "Wow, this is really cool." For one, it's the first time that I am teaching and putting together my own lessons; secondly, even though my student's work was not excellent in that of fine detail - something that is usually the forefront of praise in a young artistic talent - their ability to put all of the drawing skills together and make their own comics is super cool.
So, when you are sitting in your creative space and the little thought, "I suck. My art is terrible.", comes into your head try to critically pick apart the skills in drawing, painting or what have you, that you appreciate and that are super cool too.
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